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Tag: first trimester

Understanding How Your Baby Grows During Pregnancy

Understanding How Your Baby Grows During Pregnancy

At Cheyenne OBGYN, we’re dedicated to providing comprehensive care and support throughout your pregnancy journey. Today, we’re delving into the fascinating topic of how your baby grows during pregnancy, offering valuable insights to help you understand this miraculous process. The Miracle of Life: From conception to birth, the growth and development of your baby is […]

What to expect in the second trimester

What to expect in the second trimester

The second trimester of pregnancy is from week 13 to week 26. For most women, the second trimester is the best part of the pregnancy journey. That’s mainly because any morning sickness is usually gone, and any initial anxiety has faded. It’s also the time when the baby bump has become visible, but moving around […]

Dietary Advice for Moms-to-be

Dietary Advice for Moms-to-be

A good diet is key during pregnancy for the baby’s healthy development and your own. When you’re pregnant it’s important to get the nutrients both you and your baby need, but don’t take “eating for two” too literally. You’ll want a healthy, well-balanced diet. Here are a few tips to making smart food choices during […]

What to expect in the first trimester

What to expect in the first trimester

There are many changes that happen to a woman during the first trimester – both physical and emotional. When a woman finds out she is pregnant she is typically already 6-8 weeks into her pregnancy! That’s largely because the first trimester actually starts before you are pregnant. It starts on the first day of your […]