Health Tips for Moms

At Cheyenne OBGYN, we love moms! Whether new moms or more experienced moms, caring for these amazingly strong women is both a privilege! As we celebrate Mother’s Day this month, we decided to put together a few health tips for all the wonderful mamas out there. Many moms selflessly give to their children and everyone around them, but we want to remind you to put your health first and care for your own body, too!
Take “Me” Time
Running between work, soccer practice, and music lessons, it can be hard to remember to carve out time for yourself! But you deserve to take a break as well. Take yourself out for lunch, get your nails done, or let yourself indulge in a bubble bath. Taking time for yourself is important for your mental health. We all need a minute to relax and take a break from the stresses of everyday life.
Get Some Exercise!
Make it a priority to get some exercise. Whether you love lifting weights in the gym or taking quick walks around the neighborhood, movement is good for the body and the mind! It is recommended to get at least 30 minutes of exercise every day. You’ll find yourself sleeping better at night. Exercise also keeps our energy levels up during the day, making it easier to power through even the busiest of days.
Eat Right
Easier said than done, we know. But eating a balanced diet is important for your health and can keep your energy levels up, making it easier to live your busy mom life. Don’t skip breakfast – we know you make sure your kids are eating a healthy breakfast each morning, so take care of yourself in the same way! Pack healthy snacks to grab on the go and keep unhealthy things out of the house. Avoiding late night ice cream cravings are easier if it’s not in the house!
Sleep More
Prioritizing your sleep will help you to be a better parent, be more productive at your job, and can reduce your risks for diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. Moms need 7-9 hours of sleep each night to function at their best, so prioritize it!
Be Kind to Yourself
It’s easy to get caught up in the idea that moms have to be perfect all the time and accomplish everything flawlessly, especially with social media – the truth is, that is unrealistic and too much to put on one person. Don’t be so hard on yourself. You’re doing a great job!
Cheyenne OBGYN has been caring for moms for over 40 years. We are honored to care for some of the strongest women in Cheyenne! Prioritize your health and take time for you! We are resuming normal patient operations on Monday, May 18. You can read our COVID-19 Patient Update here or schedule an appointment by calling 307-634-5216.
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