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Essential Steps for a Healthy Pregnancy

Ensuring your body is in good condition before conceiving can greatly impact your pregnancy experience and your baby’s overall health. It is an exciting and joyful time when embarking on your pregnancy journey, so make sure to set yourself up for a healthy start. There are essential steps below to take before conceiving to help with the pregnancy process.

1. Understand Your Cycle

To increase your chances of conceiving, track your menstrual cycle. This can help you understand your fertility window and what time during the month will be better for becoming pregnant. To help track your cycle, there are ovulation kits and tracking apps so you know exactly what phases you are in. 

2. Schedule a Preconception Checkup

Schedule a visit with your doctor for a preconception checkup before trying to conceive. Discuss any medications you take or existing health conditions so that they can access your body’s state for pregnancy. They will examine your medical and family history to identify any risks or complications that might occur. This appointment is crucial to understanding what your body needs for an optimal pregnancy.

3. Quit Smoking and Avoid Alcohol

Quitting alcohol consumption and smoking will lead to an overall healthier lifestyle before conceiving. These actions can pose significant risks during pregnancy and impact your fertility. If you drink now, limit your intake so you’re ensuring better fertility levels and your baby’s growth. Seek resources to help you quit smoking if you do so already so you and your baby will have healthier outcomes.

4. Maintain a Healthy Weight

Maintaining a healthy weight can reduce the risk of complications during pregnancy and be beneficial for your overall fertility. Working with your healthcare provider if you are overweight or underweight can help you achieve your ideal weight and ideal environment for your baby to develop.

5. Eat a Balanced Diet

Eating a balanced and nutritious diet before conceiving and during pregnancy can improve your health, energy levels, and fertility. Including a variety of vegetables, lean proteins, fruits, whole grains, and healthy fats will ensure you are getting the right amount of nutrients to sustain the growth of your baby. Prenatal vitamins are important for supporting your pregnancy and include vital nutrients like iron, calcium, and folic acid. These are critical to prevent birth defects and make sure your baby is at a healthy weight.

6. Exercise Regularly

Exercise is very beneficial for overall health and can help ease the physical demands that pregnancy brings. Consistent exercising also improves your mood and manages any stress you have. Studies show that women should work out for at least 150 minutes of moderate activity per week. Brisk walking or swimming are great ways to work out and can create a positive mindset for pregnancy.

7. Manage Stress and Mental Health

While managing stress can be difficult, it is important for your health when trying to conceive. Adding practices into your routine, such as yoga, meditation, and mindfulness, can help with reducing stress. Reach out to therapists and mental health resources if needed. Having a balanced emotional state will help you with the overall conception and pregnancy process.

8. Update and Review Vaccinations

Before conceiving, make sure you are up-to-date on vaccinations. There are certain diseases that can impact pregnancy and cause complications, including hepatitis B, varicella, and rubella. Make an appointment with your doctor and review vaccinations so you can be prepared before conceiving.

At Cheyenne OBGYN, we prioritize your health and your baby’s health. If you want to become pregnant and need support through the conception process, we are here to help. Remember to prioritize your health while trying to conceive to help with all components of your pregnancy journey.