How to Work Through the Holidays and Be Mindful of Your Health

What you eat: It’s no secret that the holidays can be a difficult time for those of us trying to watch what we eat and maintain a healthy lifestyle. With an endless supply of festive treats, delicious drinks and celebrations to attend, the temptations are all around! If you’re trying to be mindful of your food intake while also partaking in the holiday fun, we’ve gathered a few tricks to help you out. Substitute ingredients in your recipes with something healthier, such as applesauce for oil. Be mindful of your alcohol intake and opt for a smaller glass or mix in club soda to reduce calories!
Stress management: It’s easy to feel stressed out by the holidays, with pressure to plan the perfect day for your children, hosting extended family, traveling far distances, preparing meals, and finding just the right gift for everyone. Not to mention decorating and sending out Christmas cards! But here’s a tip: if it stresses you out, don’t do it. Having the most perfectly decorated front yard is not worth your mental health. Think about what you can cut out or make easier on yourself to keep you happier. Simply choose the things that make you happiest and that you enjoy participating in. After all, this time of year is intended to be joyful.
Exercise: While the early sunsets and cold weather make it difficult to feel motivated to work out, exercise can do amazing things for your physical and mental health. Exercise releases chemicals such as serotonin and dopamine which will make you feel happier! Even just 30 minutes of moderate exercise can do wonders for your overall health.
Hormones: Women are no strangers to hormonal changes! Whether you’re experiencing PMS, post-partum, menopausal, or living with a hormonal teenager, hormones can make an already stressful time of year even worse. When you find yourself feeling emotional, be careful to avoid tempting and temporary relievers such as alcohol, drugs, or indulgent eating. Instead, take time to yourself, go for a walk, light a candle, or take a bath. These activities can also help to relieve stress.
If your hormones can make the holidays a particularly difficult time, there are options! We treat women with menopausal symptoms and pre-menstrual symptoms as well as women and men with hormonal imbalance. Ask your doctor at Cheyenne OBGYN if you have any questions about hormonal treatment therapy.
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