Healthy Pregnancy for Women with Diabetes

Good planning and nutrition are important in any pregnancy, but they are especially important if you have diabetes. If you are diabetic and are planning to get pregnant, make sure to have the right people and plan in place to ensure your blood glucose levels are under control throughout the pregnancy, otherwise health issues can arise for you and the baby.
First thing to do once you plan on becoming pregnant is to find the right team that will help you have a successful and healthy pregnancy. That includes an OB/GYN or Nurse Practitioner who has experience with diabetic patients. They will be key in alerting you to any risks and providing guidance to avoid any complications. They should work closely with your endocrinologist, who can help supervise your blood’s sugar levels throughout the pregnancy. You also may want to consider seeking a nutritionist who can design a meal plan for you to follow during the nine months. Dietary adjustments may be necessary before and during your pregnancy. A nutritionist will also help you maintain or set a weight gain goal for your pregnancy. Putting on too much weight during your pregnancy can lead to delivery complications, such as shoulder dystocia or preterm birth.
A good diet that includes vegetables, lean meats, fruit, and healthy fats will give you a solid foundation. Foods that are high in simple carbohydrates cause your blood sugars to spike, so should be avoided. Foods high in simple carbohydrates include potatoes, pasta, soda, white rice and white bread, among others. Aim for only eating complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains.
Risks will increase if blood sugars aren’t well-maintained during pregnancy for women with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Uncontrolled blood sugars can affect developing organs and cause birth defects. High blood sugar can also increase the risk of the baby being born too large, which can bring on complications during delivery. It can also progress into obesity or type 2 diabetes in the future. Low blood sugar can also be serious and can be transferred to the fetus.
With the right team in place and managed care you can give your pregnancy a great advantage.
Call our office at 307.634.5216 and schedule an appointment to discuss your pregnancy/potential pregnancy. Together, we can create a successful plan for you and your baby.
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